Our Garden season is all but over, in the next few weeks we will only see limited Garden items on the salad bar. We do have plenty of flowers and we will continue to use them in the restaurant. One of our members; a young man named Bruno Luchetti has been helping me 3 days a week picking flowers and tomatoes . Bruno likes learning about Organic Gardening and has been a great asset to our Garden project.
The Garden flowers are is in full bloom right now. Our South Florida growing season will soon be over for the summer. Take the opportunity to visit our garden and salad bar before the season ends . The South Florida growing season begins in November and ends in mid April.
This seasons " Most Valuable Vegetables" are; Sun Gold Tomatoes, Multi Colored Carrots, and Watermelon Radishes . Laura Decker, our Director of Membership is a frequent visitor to the garden and loves to pick tomatoes ! Next year we will plant these favorites along with some future "MVV's".
This weekend our clocks "Spring Forward" and with the 80 degree temp's it's definitely Spring time. Our Vegetable Garden is showing stress from the hot, dry and humid weather. However Spring also means Butterflies ! Today I noticed 8 Monarch Butterflies a few Painted Lady's and 2 Black Swallowtail's. Also if you look closely you can see Monarch Butterfly caterpillar's all over the Southern Milk weed.